The journal "Korean Studies in Russia: Direction and Development" is published 4 times a year on a peer-reviewed basis. The editorial board of the journal does not conduct an expedited review of articles, does not provide paid services.

In its work, the editorial board of the journal is guided by the principles developed by the International Committee on Publication Ethics - COPE, the Association of Scientific Editors and Publishers (ANRI / ASEP), and also takes into account the experience of reputable international magazines and publishing houses. The journal is an open access publication: all users can freely and free of charge read, download, link and copy published materials in accordance with the principles of the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI).


The journal "Korean Studies in Russia: Direction and Development" publishes original works. The author (s) who submitted the work to the journal does not have the right to submit this work to any other publication. The journal "Korean Studies in Russia: Direction and Development" reviews all submitted manuscripts, but the editorial board is not responsible for their publication.

The journal "Korean Studies in Russia: Direction and Development" is not responsible for the information and opinions of the authors.

Instructions For Authors
© 2020 The Journal of Direction and Development of Korean Studies in Russia
All rights reserved
Registration certificate number: ПИ №ТУ16-1720
Registration date: November 13, 2020
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