The editors, the editorial board of the scientific journal "Korean Studies in Russia: Direction and Development" ask the authors submitting articles for publication to be guided by the following rules when preparing articles:

1. Requirements for document formatting
The article must be submitted in electronic form in Microsoft Word format, page size - A4. Times New Roman font for Russian and English, Batang font for Korean, size - 12 pt. Line spacing is one. Paragraph indentation - 1.25 cm. The size of the margins at the bottom, top, left, right - 2 cm. Use herringbone quotes in the text of the article. The letter "ё" is not used in the text of the work. Body text alignment - in width. The hyphenation is automatic.
All words within a paragraph are separated by only one space. There are no spaces before the punctuation mark, after the punctuation mark - one space.
Two or more spaces are NOT ALLOWED; highlighting in the text with underlining, a different font color; formation of a red line using spaces; auto-numbering (numbered and bulleted lists) in chapters and paragraphs. Everything is typed by hand.
Latin letters are typed in italics, Greek and Russian letters - directly. The numbers are straight.

2. Manuscripts should be carefully checked and edited by the authors, the material should be structured, presented clearly and consistently.

3. Article structure
The order of arrangement of the elements of the article, their style is given below:
UDC. To determine the appropriate code, you must use the search for the UDC classifier on the website
• Initials, surname of the author (s) (bold, all uppercase).
• Place of work (study), city, country (italics).
• Title of the article (bold, all letters are uppercase).
• Information about the author (s): surname, name, patronymic in full (bold), academic degree, academic title, position (in the case of students: student, master's student, postgraduate student), place of work (study) completely without abbreviations in the nominative case. On a new line: E-mail.
Abstract (no more than 250 words). Should be structured and include: purpose, research methods, research results, scientific novelty and practical significance.
Key words and phrases (up to 10 words, regular font, typed in a line through ",").
• Information for citation: surname, initials, article title, journal title, year, volume and issue number of the journal.
• Text of the article: in the articles, sections (with headings) must be highlighted: Introduction, Research Results, Conclusions (or Conclusion). Type headings in the center (font size - 12, bold). At the beginning of the introduction, it is necessary to briefly highlight the problem with links to the most significant publications, formulate the need for research and, most importantly, the purpose of the article. The introduction should also describe the research methods. Research results. The scientific article should reflect the research process / sequence of reasoning, as a result of which theoretical conclusions are obtained. In a scientific and practical article, it is necessary to describe the stages and stages of experiments or experiments, intermediate results and substantiation of the general conclusion in the form of a physical or statistical explanation. They should be presented in a logical sequence in the text, tables and figures. The text should not repeat the data of tables and figures, it is only necessary to talk about their comparison. In the form of conclusions, it is necessary to formulate the results of solving the problem indicated in the title and the purpose of the article.
List of references. In the list of references, each source should be placed on a new line under a sequential number. In the list, all works are listed in the order of citation, and NOT in alphabetical order. The number of cited works must be at least 10. Transliteration of literature in Russian is carried out through the website: The title of sources in English or other foreign languages in the list of references in Russian and English remains identical.
• In the text of the article, references to sources are given in square brackets in Arabic numerals (example: [5, pp. 69–96]).


Варламова, Л.Н. Управление документацией: англо-русский аннотированный словарь стандартизированной терминологии / Л.Н. Варламова, Л.С. Баюн, К.А. Бастрикова. – Москва: Спутник+, 2017. – 398 с. – 100 экз. – ISBN 978-5-9973-4489-4. – Текст: непосредственный.
Varlamova, L.N. Upravlenie dokumentaciej: anglo-russkij annotirovannyj slovar' standartizirovannoj terminologii / L.N. Varlamova, L.S. Bajun, K.A. Bastrikova. – Moskva: Sputnik+, 2017. – 398 s. – 100 jekz. – ISBN 978-5-9973-4489-4. – Tekst: neposredstvennyj.

Скрипник, К.Д. Лингвистический поворот и философия языка Дж. Локка: интерпретации, комментарии, теоретические источники / К.Д. Скрипник. – Текст: непосредственный // Вестник Удмуртского университета. Серия: Философия. Психология. Педагогика. – 2017. – Т. 27, вып. 2. – С. 139-146.
Skripnik, K.D. Linguistic turn and philosophy of language by J. Locke: interpretations, c Skripnik, K.D. Lingvisticheskij povorot i filosofija jazyka Dzh. Lokka: interpretacii, kommentarii, teoreticheskie istochniki / K.D. Skripnik. – Tekst: neposredstvennyj // Vestnik Udmurtskogo universiteta. Serija: Filosofija. Psihologija. Pedagogika. – 2017. – T. 27, vyp. 2. – S. 139-146.

eLIBRARY.RU: сайт. – Москва, 2000. – URL: (дата обращения: 09.01.2018). – Режим доступа: для авториз. пользователей. – Текст: электронный.
eLIBRARY.RU: sajt. – Moskva, 2000. – URL: (data obrashhenija: 09.01.2018). – Rezhim dostupa: dlja avtoriz. pol'zovatelej. – Tekst: jelektronnyj.

From a website on the Internet:
Грязев, А.А. «Пустое занятие»: кто лишает Россию права вето в СБ ООН: в ГА ООН возобновлены переговоры по реформе Совета Безопасности / А.А. Грязев. – Текст: электронный // Газета.ru: сайт. – 2018. – 2 февр. – URL: (дата обращения: 09.02.2018).
Grjazev, A.A. «Pustoe zanjatie»: kto lishaet Rossiju prava veto v SB OON: v GA OON vozobnovleny peregovory po reforme Soveta Bezopasnosti / A.A. Grjazev. – Tekst: jelektronnyj // sajt. – 2018. – 2 fevr. – URL: (data obrashhenija: 09.02.2018).

The editorial has received the material (the date is set by the executive secretary of the journal on the day the materials are received).

4. Design of figures and tables
In the title of the article, headings of all levels, names of tables and figures, hyphenation is not allowed. Be sure to indicate the number of the table and its name. Drawings must be of high quality. Scanned pictures are not allowed.
Tables and figures are numbered in the order they are mentioned in the text; each table and figure should have its own title. The table header is highlighted in bold lowercase, centered. The word "Table" with its number is located on the right-hand side of the heading. Paragraph indent - 0 cm. Auto-fit to window width. Figure captions are typed in straight text, highlighted in bold lowercase, centered and located after the figure. The only figure in the article (or the only table) should have only a title and should not be designated as Fig. 1. (or Table 1).

5. Abbreviations
All abbreviations should be deciphered, with the exception of a few commonly used ones. The names of institutions at the first mention of them in the text are given in full and immediately in brackets is the generally accepted abbreviation; with repeated references, the abbreviated name of the institution is given. Example: Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University (hereinafter - KFU).

6. Acknowledgments
Funding for the scientific journal "Korean Studies in Russia: Direction and Development" is the Basic University Program for Korean Studies through the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Korea and the Service for the Promotion of Korean Studies of the Academy of Korean Studies (AKS-2019-OLU-2250001). In this regard, it should be mentioned that the editorial board reserves the right to arrange this section in the structure of an article aimed at publication with the following content:
1. На корейском языке: "이 논문 또는 저서는 2019년 대한민국 교육부와 한국학중앙연구원 (한국학진흥사업단)을 통해 해외한국학중핵대학육성사업의 지원을 받아 수행된 연구임 (AKS-2019-OLU-2250001)".
2. На английском языке: "This work was supported by the Core University Program for Korean Studies through the Ministry of Education of the Republic of the Korea and Korean Studies Promotion Service of the Academy of Korean Studies (AKS-2019-OLU-2250001)".
3. На русском языке: «Данная работа осуществлялась при поддержке Базовой университетской программы исследований Кореи через Министерство образования Республики Корея и Службы содействия развитию корееведения Академии корееведения (AKS-2019-OLU-2250001)».

Requirements For Article
© 2020 The Journal of Direction and Development of Korean Studies in Russia
All rights reserved
Registration certificate number: ПИ №ТУ16-1720
Registration date: November 13, 2020
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